The modern way to handle your money

Meet your new financial management app.


We don't believe in budgeting. We believe that knowing what your money is more useful. 

Wouldn't you agree?

True Money Balance

A no gimmick way to know the actual amount of money you have left. Never over spend and hate yourself again. Your bank account just shows you a total amount we show you the truth.

Virtual Accounts

The Monyverse App moves all your funds for you and tracks your expenses. We add a layer on top of you bank accounts for you to know where, how much and when your money is moving

If you're like us then this is the app for you. We don't believe in being an expert in managing your finances, it should be simple. 

"What is my money doing and how much am I spending for me to know if I should spend less or if I can buy that extra drink or two"